Why Financial Numbers are Not Important When Picking Shares
This book argues that financial ratios are not the most important aspects to look at when selecting company shares for investment.
Heresy you may say, but it will convince you otherwise. The book explains what you should really be looking at if you are to avoid the dogs of the investment world and pick the winners instead. A book for all investors who wish to learn more about the art of investing.

Details: ISBN No: 978-0-9545396-2-7, 130 Pages.
Chapter headings are:
Why Accounts Don’t Matter
Business Models and Competitive Strategy
Market Position, Branding and Marketing
Controlling Risk
Company Culture, Structure and Pay
Company Regulation and Governance
Presentation of Accounts
Systems and Operations
Financial Analysis
Trusts and Funds
Key Lessons and Conclusions
Investor Checklist Summary
The author is Roger W. Lawson, M.B.A., M.B.C.S, who has over 20 years' experience in stock market investment, after a career of running businesses and acting as a management consultant in the IT sector. He has been a director of both ShareSoc and UKSA, two organisations which represent the interests of private shareholders and has a particular interest in shareholder rights, investor education and stock market regulation on which he has written extensively.
You can read a sample chapter from the book here: Sample-Chapter.
The cost of the book is £13.25 for the paperback edition or £9.95 for a digital edition.
To purchase a digital copy from Amazon (Kindle MOBI format),
or paperback copy please go here
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