Background and History
Roliscon was formed in 1997 by Roger Lawson (see below). After a number of years of both managing the IT functions of large corporations, and acting as an entrepreneur involved with growing software companies, he had developed a broad range of expertise in helping businesses to develop rapidly. Subsequently he became a successful investor in public companies which is now one of his main business activities. See below for a more detailed biography.
Roliscon now provides a variety of consultancy services and also produces publications.
Use the Contact page to obtain more information.

After a first Degree in Engineering Production he obtained an M.B.A. from Cranfield Business School and is a Member of the British Computer Society.
He acted as an IT consultant in several software companies (including ICL/Fujitsu) and was IT director of a large retailing company.
He formed Proactive Systems Ltd who sold mid-range database and electronic form products. After a number of years of rapid growth to become a large international operation, it was sold to Accelio Corporation (now part of Adobe).
More recently he has been a director of a number of private companies in the software and e-payment sectors and has been active in promoting the interests of private shareholders in public companies as a founding director and Chairman of the UK Individual Shareholders Society (ShareSoc) and a former director of the UK Shareholders Association (UKSA).